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Selection of academic activities organised by the Slavonic Library in 2015

Stanari žute zgrade / Obyvatelé žlutého domu
Residents of the
Yellow Building
A discussion with the Bosnian-Herzegovinian writer Rizah Pašalić and the author’s reading of excerpts from his new book
Co-organisers: FOR Prague Publishing House, organised under the auspices of the Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Prague
Date: 19 March 2015

Setkání s Dr. Františkem Kautmanem (u příležitosti vydání sborníku příspěvků na počest F. Kautmana Na trnitých cestách života a tvorby.)
A Meeting with Dr František Kautman (
on the occasion of the publication of the collection of articles in honour of F. Kautman “Na trnitých cestách života a tvorby” [On the Thorny Paths of Life and Work])
Co-organisers: Dostoyevky’s Society in Prague
Date: 27 April 2015

Dřevěné kostely Podkarpatské Rusi. Unikátní fotografie Rudolfa Hůlky (1887–1961) a Floriana Zapletala (1884–1969)
Wooden Churches of Subcarpathian Rus’. Unique Photographs by Rudolf Hůlka (1887–1961) and Florian Zapletal (1884–1969)

A lecture by Prof. Mykhaylo Syrokhman and the presentation of the newly published photo album Florian Zapletal. Dřevěné kostelíky Zakarpatí [Florian Zapletal. Wooden Churches of Transcarpathia]
Date: 15 October 2015

Dějiny 20. století pohledem „Krokodýlu“ – Časopis „Krokodil“ (1922–1992) a jeho místo v sovětské kulturní propagandě
The 20th Century History as Presented by “Crocodile” – the Magazine “Krokodil” (1922–1992) and Its Role in the Soviet Cultural Propaganda

A discussion connected with the presentation of the book series History as Presented by Krokodil (Istoria glazami „Krokodila“. XX vek)
Co-organisers: KULTURUS, Krokodil. XX vek
Date: 26 October 2015
The event was part of the programme of the festival of contemporary Russian culture KULTURUS

Petr Nikolajevič Savickij: vědec myslitel, člověk
Petr Nikolaevich Savitskii. A Scientist, Thinker, Man

An international round-table discussion organised on the occasion of the 120th birthday anniversary of P. N. Savitskii (1895–1968)
Co-organisers: Institute of Slavonic Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the CR, v.v.i.
Date: 30 October 2015

Konference „Nabokov. Pražská větev“
The Conference “Nabokov. The
Prague Branch”
General organiser: Ruská tradice, o.s.
Date: 26 November 2015


Jan 19, 2016
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